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Cultivation Guide

Make Your Own Nectars by Growing Flowers

Presentation & Requirements

Above all, you must be Level 5 minimum to be able to practice cultivation. Then to be able to cultivate you will need A Cultivation Soil and at least one BeeHive, some Water, Potting Soil and Seeds!

Cultivation soils are available on the Mainland of Celestial Butterfly. Each Cultivation Soil allows to grow any type of flowers. At Rez, each soil is assigned a unique ID and is saved in the database. Which makes it possible to find them from your profile page in the tab "Cultivation" To cultivate you absolutely need a BeeHive. A single BeeHive is needed for all your soil cultivation.
You get with every New Registered Cultivation Soil to start a first Tranquil Daisy planting for free! 1 Tranquil Daisy Seed, 2 Water and 7 Potting Soil added to your Inventory.

Beehives and Seeds

A BeeHive is essential to cultivate, each Soil cultivation must be connected to a Beehive. You need One Beehive for all your Cultivation Soils in the same Region.

The BeeHive gives access to a menu to activate or deactivate the appearance of bees (the presence or not of bees have no impact on the culture)
The seeds are sold exclusively on the main Sim of Celestial Butterfly in the Cultivation building on the main square. There are 4 different seeds each to collect a Nectar Type.
Tranquil Nectar: 1 Tranquil Daisy Seed + 2 Water + 7 Potting Soil (Level 5 minimum)
Fleeting Nectar: 1 Fleeting Daisy Seed + 8 Water + 15 Potting Soil (Level 10 minimum)
Swift Nectar: 1 Swift Daisy Seed + 16 Water + 45 Potting Soil (Level 15 minimum)
Flash Nectar: 1 Flash Daisy Seed + 150 Water + 250 Potting Soil (Level 20 minimum)

Water Resource

To start a plantation, you need some Water. As for nectars, Water are sold via a Grid Wide market.

Make your own Water
You have the possibility to make your Water. For this you need to get a Water Well (available in the Cultivation Building). To start a Water Production, you will need Water Shards. This Water Well will allow you to make 3, 15 or 30 units of Water per Cycle (1, 3 or 6 Days) and so need 1, 5 or 10 Water Shards. You can find Water Shards by mining the Tide Stones from the Mystic Mine at Eden Rock (Celestial Main Land). For Each Water Shard extraction, you will need 1 Elemental Pickaxe (Sold by Rodrigo the Merchant at Celestial Square).
You can sell your Water on the Grid Wide Market or use it for your own Plantation.

Potting Soil Resource

To start a plantation, you need some Potting Soil. As for nectars and Water, Potting Soil are sold via a Grid Wide market.

Make your own Potting Soil
You have the possibility to make your Potting Soil. For this you need to get a Composter (available in the Cultivation Building). To start a Potting Soil Production, you will need some Water and some Adonis Petals. This Composter will allow you to make 3, 15 or 30 units of Potting Soil per Cycle (1, 3 or 6 Days) and so need 1, 5 or 10 Water and 30, 150 or 300 Adonis Petals. You can find Adonis Petals by Collect them on Adonis Blossoms which grow on the main land but also in partner regions.
You can sell your Potting Soil on the Grid Wide Market or use it for your own Plantation.

Cultivation Soil Menu... Launch a Plantation!

The menu displays, next to the name of the Cultivation Soil ,its unique ID that allows you to identify it on your profile page.

⇨ If no planting has been started yet and you have seeds, you will have access to a [Plant] button that will allow you to start a planting. After clicking on the [Plant] button will display the seed or seeds you own and you will then have to choose which seed you want to plant. If you have all the prerequisites to start growing then a confirmation window will appear and planting will start after cliquing [Yes]. Otherwise, you will be told what you are missing.
⇨ If a planting is in progress, the menu will display information about the current cultivation. The name of the flowers planted, the current growing step and the product you will harvest at the end. You will also have access to several options:
❏ [Reset] - This button resets the Cultivation Soil. Be careful when performing a Reset, you will lose the current crop and none of the products used for planting will be returned (water, Potting Soil, seed, Fertilizer...).
❏ [Reposition] - If you have moved your Cultivation Soil, this button will allow you to reposition the current plant. Attention! Does not work with a Rez/ Derez move, if a Cultivation Soil is taken in the inventory, the current crop is lost!
❏ [Fertilize] - This option is available only from Stage 2 and allows you to launch a Boost on your plantation by fertilizing the current plant. You will have the choice to reduce the time of the current Stage by 25, 50 or 75%. The amount of fertilizer needed for each reduction time will be indicated. Each Stage can only be boosted once!
❗ Please be aware that picking up a Cultivation Soil currently in the process of cultivation from your inventory will result in the loss of the ongoing cultivation progress. This action acts as a complete reset, removing all progress and resources associated with the current cultivation. The plant that will remain after taking back the Cultivation Soil in your inventory will continue its progress but cannot be harvested and will be deleted at the final stage since the Cultivation Soil will no longer be Linker with it.

Harvesting your Nectars!

At the end of the growing period, 6, 12 or 18 days in total depending on the type of flowers, you can harvest and butterflies will roam near your flowers! Just click on the plant and you will collect your 100 Nectars, some Xp per Harvest (2Xp for Tranquil Nectar, 3Xp for Fleeting Nectar, 4Xp for Swift Nectar and 5Xp for Flash Nectar) and if you are lucky, you may even receive a seed bonus!

Crafting Costs and Unit Price Tables

Water Crafting Costs
Quantity Produced (Production Time) Water Shard Required * Cost of 1 Water Shard Total Cost Unit Price of Water
3 units (1 Day) 1 2 L$ 2 L$ 0.67 L$
15 units (3 Days) 5 2 L$ 10 L$ 0.67 L$
30 units (6 Days) 10 2 L$ 20 L$ 0.67 L$

* Water Shards are collected in the mine on the Tide Stone, you will need an Elemental Pickaxe (2L$) to collect 1 Water Shard

Potting Soil Crafting Costs
Quantity Produced (Production Time) Water Required (0.67/u) Adonis Petals (Free)* Total Cost Unit Price of Potting Soil
3 units (1 Day) 1 30 0.67 L$ 0.22 L$
15 units (3 Days) 5 150 3.35 L$ 0.22 L$
30 units (6 Days) 10 300 6.7 L$ 0.22 L$

* Collect the petals for free at the main sim Celestial HQ or on the different partner Lands

Nectars Crafting Costs

Nectar Type (Production Time) Seed Cost Water Required
Potting Soil Required
Total Cost
(100 Units)
Unit Price of Nectar
Tranquil (6 Days) 5 L$ 2 units (1.34 L$) 7 units (1.54 L$) 7.88 L$ 0.079 L$
Fleeting (12 Days) 15 L$ 8 units (5.36 L$) 15 units (3.30 L$) 23.66 L$ 0.237 L$
Swift (18 Days) 30 L$ 16 units (10.72 L$) 45 units (9.90 L$) 50.62 L$ 0.506 L$
Flash (18 Days) 40 L$ 150 units (100.50 L$) 250 units (55 L$) 195.50 L$ 1.955 L$