The image on the side shows you the Hud closed, when you click on it the Hud opens and gives access to "panels" described below.
To move your Hud on your screen you must always move it in open mode and then once well positioned click on "Hide" to save its new position.
All panels have the same navigation system at the top. You can change panel from these buttons.
This panel gives you informations about your Celestial Breedables player account.
This panel gives you information about the Butterfly you selected.
This panel Allow if you are the Owner of the selected butterfly to interact with it..
Note: The oldest eggs may not disappear even after they are released. No worries, if this happens just delete the egg, it will be removed from the grid and you will receive your Bpoints!
His age is expressed in days, he does not have his adult size at birth and will grow up to 2 days and 4 days respectively.
As soon as it reaches Age 5, it becomes an adult and can begin to reproduce. It can be mated with other butterflies of the opposite gender until the Age 31. Since when they are mated they take 5 days before having a baby, a butterfly can have up to 5 offspring before becoming Elder. (by eating Standard Food)
You can get more babies by feeding your butterflies with Premium Food that gives the butterflies a 1% love bonus every time they eat this food.
Each Butterfly has a value in B.Points (except the Starters which are worth 0 B.Points). The basic value of a butterfly from a reproduction is 10 B.Points, to this is added a generation bonus (Gen1 +1, Gen2 +2...) and a bonus according to the characteristics of the butterfly (up to +10 B.Points).
In addition, obtaining a Companion adds +5 B.points.
B.Points will be used to acquire special products for use in the Celestial Breedables game...
More than a thousand different butterflies! Discover the hidden genes of your butterflies and mate them to get the perfect butterfly for your eyes or the eyes of others!
The genetic system of Celestial Butterfly has nothing to do with chance! We have designed an advanced genetic system that is as realistic as possible. Your breeding skills will be put to the test to find and reproduce with maximum success every hidden gene and get perfect butterflies with rare and sought-after Traits!
Butterflies have each 3 characteristics that define them: Wings, body and Specie, in addition to the Gender which can only be Male and Female and completely random at birth (one chance out of two of being either Male or Female).
They have 3 active traits (their visible characteristics) at birth: wings, body and species. But they have in addition in their genetics up to 6 genes hidden for each characteristic according to the genetics of their parents. Each butterfly is therefore genetically linked to its ancestors.
A Level system is implemented in the Celestial Breedables and allows to reward players for their commitment.
Some Hidden Genes can only appear as active on baby Butterflies if you have the appropriate level of Breeder. The higher your level, the more likely you are to see a rare hidden Gene become active on a newborn.
In addition, each level you reach allows you to acquire a new title and unlock rewards!
To gain experience, there is no secret, you have to reproduce your butterflies!
An Achievements system is in place. A number of objectives must be achieved to unlock rewards (BPoints, Food Reserve...)
You will find the list and tracking of achievements on your Profile page
For your butterflies to be able to mate and reproduce, they must necessarily be Linked to a Home
Each Home has a limited capacity. There are Homes that can accommodate 6 (Only from Starter Pack), 8, 12 or 16 Butterflies at a time.
Each different Home has a unique appearance of its own.
When you have a Home to install, you just need to rez it on your land and it will register.
To be Linked to a Home, Butterflies must be within a radius of 10 meters around it.
For your Butterflies to evolve and reproduce, they need to feed regularly. Each Butterfly consumes 1 unit of food every hour.
The Food in Celestial Breedables is represented by Flowers, which your Butterflies gather Nectar from to feed themselves.
Butterflies must be within a 10 meter radius of a Food source to gather nectar and will automatically consume the food closest to it.Different types of standard food are available, each offering varying amounts of Nectar:
Yellow Marigold: 168 Units (sufficient to feed 1 butterfly for 1 week)
Orange Marigold: 336 Units (sufficient to feed 1 butterfly for 2 weeks)
Red Marigold: 672 Units (sufficient to feed 1 butterfly for 4 weeks)
New Eternal Marigold : Refillable! Always keep the same Flowers on the ground and recharge it when you need it!
Premium food is also available, allowing your butterfly to gain an additional 1% Love each time it feeds (once per hour).
White Daffodil: 168 Units (sufficient to feed 1 butterfly for 1 week)
Jetfire Daffodil: 336 Units (sufficient to feed 1 butterfly for 2 weeks)
Romance Daffodil: 672 Units (sufficient to feed 1 butterfly for 4 weeks)
New Eternal Daffodil : Refillable! Always keep the same Flowers on the ground and recharge it when you need it!
Homes and Foods can be found at The Celestial HQ Breedables Building
See and Buy all available Homes and Foods at Celestial HQ
Foods (Excepts Eternal Foods and Refill) can be purchased with Bpoints
Nothing is simpler! Click on your Egg, your Hud will open with a summary of its information. The [Birth] button appears if your egg is ready to hatch. Click on the Birth! button, that’s it!
Every Alive Butterfly (once it has hatched) needs Food to stay healthy. For this he must have Food at his disposal. Rez food for your Butterflies on your land, Butterflies will then feed themselves at regular intervals. If they cannot find food, their health will gradually decline.
Each Butterfly needs one unit of Food every hour
Be careful if your Butterfly’s Health drops to 0%, it will stop trying to feed since it will be weak and the only way for it to have enough energy to feed itself again is to use a Cure Potion on it. (Cure Potions availables for buy at the Celestial HQ at the Breedables Building)
If your Butterfly’s Health is below 90%, you will not be able to mate with another Butterfly and if it is already in the process of mating its Love will be paused and can no longer progress
Butterfly always consume the food closest to it.For a butterfly to mate with another it must have an age of 5 or more and 30 maximum and have at least 90% Health.
And very important! It must be Linked to a Home
To pair your Butterfly with another of the opposite Gender, click on your Butterfly, the Hud is activated with your Butterfly’s info, click on the [Edit] button at the top of your Hud and then on the [Pairing] Button, if the conditions are met you will have 30 seconds to click on the butterfly you want to mate with it
If the mating has succeeded a message will inform you in the Local Chat
The Love of your two paired Butterflies will then gradually rise to 100% (5 Days) as long as their Health remains greater than or equal to 90%
Important! The Love will pause if the Butterfly is Unlinked from its Home while it is mated!
You can if you wish to separate two Butterflies by clicking on the [Unpairing] button, but then you will lose the progress.
Once both Butterflies have reached 100% of Love, it can take up to an hour before the Egg appears around the Home to which the Female is tied.
The Link of a Butterfly to a Home is necessary only during the breeding period. This means that as long as a Butterfly has not reached Age 5 or if it is not mating with another butterfly the Link to a Home is not necessary.
To link your butterfly to a Home, just click on your Butterfly, the Hud is activated with your Butterfly’s info, click on the [Edit] button at the top of your Hud and then on the [Home] Button, a menu opens, click on [Set Home], if a Home is found nearby and it is not full, the link will be made automatically. A message will inform you in the Local Chat
You can also if the Butterfly is linked to a Home, unlink it from the Home by choosing the option [Unlink Home].
Important! As soon as they have reached Age over 30 and they become Elder and if they are not in breeding period, Butterflies release themselves from their Home since they no longer need them!
When an update is available you will be notified on the website but also in Game.
You don’t need to Unlink the butterflies, this update allows you to update your home without losing the butterfles links!
You will then have to update your registered Homes one by one! Read this section completely before performing your first Update!
IMPORTANT: Update Home by Home!
Retrieve or save the HomeID of the Home to update (HomeID is in the description of the Home - right click the Home and Edit for see the Description in the General Tab - , you can also see the ID of each Home in your profile page in the "Your Celestial Home" section) then click on the Home to update for 3 seconds, you will then receive the new version of the Home and the old Home will disappear. Rez your new Home and once it has been registered click on it, a menu will open, click on the "Update" button then select the ID you have previously saved. You will receive the message in Local Chat that said "update Success", Your new Home is now up to date and has retrieved the data, including the butterflies that were linked to it. You have nothing else to do your new Home is operational!
When a Butterfly reaches Age 31 it becomes an Elder and can no longer be mated with another Butterfly. As long as it stays on the Land, it will continue to eat like other Butterflies, so you have two options:
1/ Either turn it into a "Pet" and make it an animal that no longer eats and evolves with its own animation menu (Roaming, Resting, Static), you can then keep it indefinitely on your land without that it costs you Foods. To do so select on your Hud in the [Edit] panel, the [Potions] button and the [Immortalis] option, you will need 1 Immortalis Potion for that. (Immortalis Potions availables for buy at the Celestial HQ at the Breedables Building)
Whatever option you choose, the Butterfly’s Bpoints (if any) will be collected and credited to your account!
You can release from the Hud Version 1.2, your Eggs and/or Non Elder Butterflies with the [Release] Button on your Hud
This "Release" option allows you to release a butterfly (Egg or live) without waiting for the butterfly to be Elder.
The butterfly will then be released and removed from the grid, a number of Bpoints will be credited to your account.
The Bpoints awarded are as follows:
- Egg -> 1 Bpoints
- Alive
-> Age 0 : 1 Bpoints
-> Age > 0 & < 5 : 2 Bpoints
-> Age >= 5 & < 15 : 3 Bpoints
-> Age >= 15 & < 31 : 5 Bpoints
Elders Butterflies can't be Release with this option.
Note: The oldest eggs may not disappear even after they are released. No worries, if this happens just delete the egg, it will be removed from the grid and you will receive your Bpoints!
A certain number of Bonuses will be assigned to it.
The number of different Bonuses depends on its generation (The higher the generation, the more likely it is to have more than 1 active bonus).
In addition, each bonus has its own value, which also depends on the generation. The higher the generation, the greater the bonus value is likely to be.
The Bonuses can include:
- Timer Bonus (percentage): Reduces the duration of each hunt. (-2% to -10%)
- Value Bonus (percentage): Increases the value of each captured butterfly. (+2% to +10%)
- XP Bonus: Grants additional XP for each hunt. (+1 to +5Xp)
A Companion is no longer considered Breedable and therefore cannot be mated to reproduce!
A Companion egg can be sold or exchanged with other players, but beware when a Companion egg is hatched it becomes non-transferable and is linked to its Owner forever!